Wrays of Sunshine is the central landing zone for all our many interests. Some of our art is visual, some musical, some abstract, some outlandish.
Matt & Brianna met in the Center of the Universe, Fremont, Seattle, Washington. They formed Super Plaid in 2010, and a marriage partnership in 2015. Currently happily ever after in Walla Walla.
“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams.”
-Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka
This website was built in 2020 on Squarespace. Before this iteration, Wrays of Sunshine lived on Wordpress as a blog Field Guide to a Bright Life. The interests were disparate. We had recipes, artist interviews, and all our music was housed elsewhere. This is the first time it’s all had one place to shine.
Brianna has always been interested in sharing content online from raw html, to DiaryLand, to LiveJournal, to Myspace, to Facebook, to Instagram, to YouTube and beyond. Another iteration was Sunshine Press, which lives on quietly in WordPress, occasionally drawing a comment here and there.
We are ever evolving.